Application for Admission

Paragon Public School

Upload Images

Upload passport size photo of child

Drag & Drop your files here, or

Child's Personal Information

Please note that this date will not be changed after the child is admitted and will remain as the official date on all your child's academic documents

Child's School Information

Child's school experience, including present institution.

Child's Parents Information

Child's parents details.

Other Child's Information

If you have other children, their names, ages and present school

Extra Facilities Provided by School

Please put the ( √ ) mark, if required

Answer only which is applicable to you

Not all the questions below may apply to your child; you need to answer only those that do

Upload Documents

Please submit the following documents along with the form

  1. Progress reports
  2. Immunization record
  3. Birth certifi cate
  4. Passport size photo of child - 2 copies
  5. Passport size photos of parents - 1 each
  6. Citizenship card copy of parents & Guardians
  7. Community certifi cate: For only scheduled caste, scheduled tribes or backward communities

Drag & Drop your files here, or

File Size: max 2MB

Emergency Contact Information

In case of emergency, please provide the contact no.


have the authority to admit my child/ward
, into the school as the parent / legal guardian. I undertake the responsibility of providing any evidence needed to support the information provided here, if necessary for any reason. I declare that the statements provided in this application are correct to my knowledge and if found otherwise, I shall abide by the decision of the school management. I shall always agree to abide by the rules, regulations and the fee structure of the school.


Call Us: General Inquiries- 9802309380 / 382 Account Inquiries- 9802309384 / 385 Academic Inquiries- 9802309386 / 388 IT Support- 9802309383